Committed to Service and Support of Others
~ Faith Plus Works, James 2:14-26 ~
We read in John 17:17 that our faith (our beliefs) is what sets us apart (sanctifies us), but we understand that faith without works is dead. We encourage individual and church-wide involvement in service and/or support of others in our local communities, nation-wide, or internationally. Some of the organizations for which our members have volunteered, served, or supported in the past include:
Caritas of Austin, TX
Direct Relief (helping survivors of poverty or disasters, in the U.S. and internationally)
Durham Rescue Mission (shelter helping homeless men, women, and children)
Eastern European Mission (getting Bibles in the hands of every nation and everyone)
Focus on the Family
Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina
Habitat for Humanity (helping people build or improve their homes)
Hope for Haiti (improving the quality of life for the Haitian people)
Choices Pregnancy Center (crisis pregnancy center working to demonstrate alternatives to abortion)
Integrate Health (providing healthcare to women and children in Togo, West Africa)
Pardoned by Christ (restoring lives affected by incarceration in Raleigh, NC)
Prison Fellowship (to bring hope and restoration to prisoners, families, and communities impacted by crime and incarceration
Salvation Army (meeting needs from homelessness to disaster responses)
Samaritan's Purse (disaster relief and crisis response)
Sandhills/Moore Coalition for Human Care (providing clothing, assistance, food to the needy)
Ship Community Outreach (providing food and services to low-income neighbors)
St. Baldrick Foundation (raising funds to help find cures for children with cancer)
WakeMed Raleigh Hospital (mask donation during pandemic)